Founding years

In 1987, when the typical computer still had 1 mega-byte of RAM and a processor with a 10 megahertz frequency, Georg Heeg founded his consulting company for software development in Dortmund with the new, groundbreaking programming language Smalltalk and the development environment VisualWorks. It quickly became clear that consulting in development with Smalltalk as well as training would become the core business.

In 1996, Georg Heeg AG was founded in Zurich to open up the Swiss market, and in 1999 the branch office in Köthen was added.

Also in 1999, the manufacturer ObjectShare sold its rights for VisualWorks to Cincom which stopped selling licenses through external companies. Since then, Georg Heeg has been providing EMEA support for Cincom's Smalltalk products and assisting Cincom as their technology partner in the further development of the product - now called Cincom-Smalltalk - including the development of the Virtual Machines - we really know every bit of the software.

Since then, we have been advising our customers, from medium-sized businesses to insurance companies and banks to mechanical engineering and the production of semiconductors - also independently of Cincom - worldwide. From the architecture to the realization of your software projects in VisualWorks or any other Smalltalk dialect, like ObjectStudio, VA-Smalltalk, VSE etc. we are there for you.

When working with us, you will benefit from our experience in development with Smalltalk, which is unique on the market. We support you by coaching, enlarge your developer team with our personnel or operate complete product development on your behalf. In all these fields of activity our SCRUM-supported project management has proven to be agile and successful: we solve software problems of all kinds for you.

The company has been in the hands of its founder, Georg Heeg, without interruption since 1987.

We are looking forward to every new challenge - contact us.


Our clients include companies from a wide range of business sectors, such as banks, insurance companies and hardware manufacturers, as well as cities and supporters of arts and culture.